Sermons about Jesus

11. Commanded to Love

10. Raising of Lazarus

9. The Good Shepherd

8. Jesus, Healer of Blind Souls

7. The Light of the World

6. Jesus, the Living Water

5. Jesus, the Bread of Life

4. The Power of God

3. Jesus the Evangelist

2. The Word Became Human

1. The Eternal Word

12. Jesus Our High Priest

Foundations of Evangelism

2. The Words of Jesus

Allowing Jesus to Author the Remaining Chapters of Your Life

Feeding on Jesus

6. Jesus and His Model Prayer

5. Jesus and Prayer for Others

4. Jesus, Prayer and the Struggles of Life

2. Jesus and Daily Prayer

1. The Prayer Life of Jesus

2. Jesus' Power - Our Power

1. How Real is Your Jesus?

5. Not an Ordinary Day

4. The Model of Jesus

3. Methods of Jesus

2. The Message of Jesus

1. Walking as Jesus Walked

5. Keeping Focus on Jesus

3. Becoming Like Jesus

Jesus Loves You

6. How Jesus Used Power

6. Jesus, the Refugee

Pluralism and Jesus

4. Jesus on Heaven and Hell

7: Why Will Jesus Return?

6. Why Did Jesus Leave?

5. Why Did Jesus Rise?

4. Why Did Jesus Die?

3. Why Did Jesus Ride?

2. Why did Jesus Teach?

1. Why Did Jesus Come?

3. The Priesthood of Jesus

5. Jesus - Life of the Party

Reflections on Departing

Thank You Jesus

Following Jesus

41. Going Out to Meet Jesus

38. Jesus' Prayer for You

33. Jesus Tells of His Return

18. Jesus, the Gate and the Shepherd

13. Jesus' Glory Unveiled

12. A Picnic - Jesus Style

11. The True Authority of Jesus

8. Jesus in Trouble on the Sabbath

3. A High Definition Church In Jesus' Name

5. Did Jesus Really Die? Conspiracy or Sacrifice

3. Who Did Jesus Think He Was?

2. Eye Witnesses: What People Actually Saw in Jesus

Jesus Surprises People

Worried? Trust Jesus

Jesus, Friend of Sinners

Jesus States His Mission

Getting to Know Jesus

Jesus, Our Highest Priority

Jesus the King

When Jesus Says Go

When Jesus Says Love

The Royalty Of Jesus

Communion - The I Am's of Jesus Christ

Who Killed Jesus?

Jesus Is King

Jesus Last Farewell

Jesus' Teaching On Divorce

Jesus Heals The Blind Man

When Jesus Was Arrested

Jesus In Gethsemane

Challenged By Jesus

Rich Jesus, Poor Jesus, Rich Christians

Following Jesus - Baptism

The Voice of Jesus